My Sign Is Gemini


Gemini And Cancer Compatibility In Love And Life

Gemini And Cancer Compatible

Curious if Gemini and Cancer would be right for each other? Find out more about Gemini and Cancer compatibility in love and life. There’s no doubt that the roles in a Gemini and Cancer relationship are clear. With Gemini being the curious adventurer and Cancer being the dutiful homebody. This pairing illustrates a nice balance […] Read more…

Gemini And Pisces Compatibility In Love And Life

Gemini And Pisces Compatibility In Love And Life 1

Wondering if a gemini and a pisces would be compatible together? See how Gemini & Pisces fair in love and life. Do you know those two people that meet at a party and suddenly disappear somewhere unknown to do god-knows-what? Yep, chances are they might be a Gemini and Pisces pairing. As mutable signs (along […] Read more…

7 Intriguing Things To Know About Dating A Gemini Man

Things To Know About Dating A Gemini Man

Gemini is an intellectual sign, and those born under this sign are normally the types of persons to be the jack of all trades. But like every zodiac sign, Gemini has its distinctive qualities. It’s just that Gemini has the worst reputation, probably mostly because of its duality, making others see Gemini as having dual […] Read more…