My Sign Is Gemini

gemini sign

8 Strengths Of Gemini: Best Parts About Being A Gemini

Best Parts About Being A Gemini

What makes a gemini special? Consider these strengths of being a gemini and recognize the best parts of the gemini sign. Gemini is an air sign, and people born under this zodiac are typically intellectuals. They have active minds that love to think, learn, and wonder about the universe’s infinite possibilities. Geminis are also great […] Read more…

5 Fascinating Things Only True Geminis Will Understand

Things Only True Geminis Will Understand

Wondering what makes a Gemini so special? Consider these astrology things that only true Geminis will understand. It is nice to know that other people share your struggles. Somehow, it’s comforting to know that you are not alone down the road. Being a Gemini, you appreciate being surrounded by like-minded people, those who would willingly […] Read more…