My Sign Is Gemini

gemini personality

Astonishing Gemini Personality Traits for a Female

Gemini Woman Personality Traits

Wondering how Gemini female traits affect their personality? Learn more about a gemini girl’s character by knowing her traits. Is there anyone on Earth that hasn’t been in love with Angelina Jolie at some point in their life? That isn’t very likely. Women like her are magnetic in a lot of ways – they’re drop-dead […] Read more…

5 Amazing Gemini Personality Traits For A Male

Amazing Gemini Personality Traits For A Male

Trying to know the traits of a Gemini man’s personality. Here are some of the more commonly known traits for Gemini males. Geminis are known for being the social butterflies of the zodiac. Intelligent, witty, and adaptable, gemini signs find a way for getting along with most people. Considering everything you’ve heard from friends and […] Read more…